About Us
About Quality Dimensions

Dean Christolear started the original Stat Aids web site in 2006.  
www.CpkInfo.com is now the home to all of the templates written by
Dean.  The site is dedicated to providing free, powerful Excel
templates for those individuals practicing the quality sciences.

Please take a moment to browse the available templates.  If you don't
find what you are looking for we would like to hear from you.  We are
always looking for feedback from our users!
About Dean

Dean Christolear is a Six Sigma Black
Belt, a Shainin Red X Master, an ASQ
Certified Quality Engineer, and a
member of ASQ.

Dean holds a Bachelor of Science in
Engineering from Wright State
University and has been a quality
professional for more than 25 years.

You can e-mail him at
Quality Dimensions