Read What Others Have To Say:

Thank you again for the use of this capability study tool, its one of the
easiest, simplest tools I have used.
                                                                   Joseph J Palmiotto
                                                      Quality Assurance Manager
                                                                          Gehl Mustang

Thank you for the use of your Cap Study 1500 as this is a very easy,
user friendly tool ...
                                                                           Darren Hopes
                                          DHL Global Forwarding (Canada) Inc.

You may be able to give QI Macros a run for their money with your
control charts

I went to Process Certification training class and your above
spreadsheet was part of the disc to use.

Thank you for all the hard work you have put into creating these Stat
Aids for folks like me. You have made life so much easier as I am sure
you have often been told!

I really like your "Process Capability Study" spreadsheet.  Very helpful
(and very cool).

I downloaded your Quincunx and really like the tool – thank you for the
work you are doing!

I recently joined the Six Sigma Group at ASQ.  There, I came across
your work sheet for the process capability.  That's awesome!

I have found your spreadsheet "Cap_Study.xls" (via www.google.de)
and it looks great. It’s really, really nice.

I found your process capability spreadsheet on the ASQ site.  Excellent

I tried one of your worksheets and they were VERY easy to use.

I found your process capability Excel sheet on ASQ.  It is great as it is
Excel based and it is simple to use for anybody.

Thanks so much for sharing the Process Capability Study tool with the
Six Sigma Forum @ ASQ.

I like the process capability spreadsheet you've posted for us to review
thru the ASQ 6 sigma website.

I've been using your spreadsheet for the Cap_study and find it very

I love the Cap Study Workbook!

I was happy to find your Gage R&R tool on the ASQ site, thanks!

Thank you for creating a simple and easy to use SPC program.

I have seen your templates...Very Very Impressive!!!!
Quality Dimensions